We introduce CryptoBap, a platform to verify weak secrecy and authentication for the (ARMv8 and RISC-V) machine code of cryptographic protocols. We achieve this by first transpiling the binary of protocols into an intermediate representation and then performing a crypto-aware symbolic execution to automatically extract a model of the protocol that represents all its execution paths. Our symbolic execution resolves indirect jumps and supports bounded loops using the loop-summarization technique, which we fully automate. The extracted model is then translated into models amenable to automated verification via ProVerif and CryptoVerif using a third-party toolchain. We prove the soundness of the proposed approach and used CryptoBap to verify multiple case studies ranging from toy examples to real-world protocols, TinySSH, an implementation of SSH, and WireGaurd, a modern VPN protocol.
Preferred Citation
Faezeh Nasrabadi, Robert Künnemann, Hamed Nemati. CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols. In: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). 2023.
Primary Research Area
Reliable Security Guarantees
Name of Conference
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
Legacy Posted Date
Open Access Type
author = {Faezeh Nasrabadi AND Robert Künnemann AND Hamed Nemati},
title = {CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)},
year = {2023}