Unexpected cost reductions in recent years have significantly lowered the hurdle for non-state attackers to gain access to ground stations that can send malicious messages to satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of on-orbit friendly jamming as a measure to protect LEO satellites from unauthorized and malicious ground station transmissions. We assess the feasibility of integrating an orbital Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) by simulating real-life scenarios. This assessment will lay the groundwork for future experiments involving real satellites. As part of our simulation, we considered a scenario involving a single satellite and an attacker ground station, with a set transmission time. In this scenario, we identified 41 satellites in close proximity that could potentially act as an IPS. Additionally, in a scenario focused on long-term protection, where a single ground station functions as an attacker, we observed that large satellite constellations, such as Starlink, provide substantial protection coverage by acting as an IPS for a specific satellite over the course of a day.
Primary Research Area
Secure Connected and Mobile Systems
Name of Conference
Security for Space Systems (3S)
2024 Security for Space Systems (3S)
Page Range
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Open Access Type
Not Open Access
title = "Let Me Do It For You: On the Feasibility of Inter-Satellite Friendly Jamming",
author = "Planta, Ulysse" AND "Rederlechner, Julian" AND "Marra, Gabriele" AND "Abbasi, Ali",
year = 2024,
month = 7,
journal = "2024 Security for Space Systems (3S)",
pages = "1--6",
publisher = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)",
doi = "10.23919/3S60530.2024.10592285"