
Leveraging Static Analysis: An IDE for RTLola

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-04-05, 10:45 authored by Bernd FinkbeinerBernd Finkbeiner, Florian KohnFlorian Kohn, Malte Schledjewski
Runtime monitoring is an essential part of guaranteeing the safety of cyber-physical systems. Recently, runtime monitoring frameworks based on formal specification languages gained momentum. These languages provide valuable abstractions for specifying the behavior of a system. Yet, writing specifications remains challenging as, among other things, the specifier has to keep track of the timing behavior of streams. This paper presents the RTLOLA PLAYGROUND, a browser-based development environment for the stream-based runtime monitoring framework RTLola. It features new methods to explore the static analysis results of RTLola, leveraging the advantages of such a formal language to support the developer in writing and understanding specifications. Specifications are executed locally in the browser, plotting the resulting stream values, allowing for intuitive testing. Step-wise execution based on user-provided system traces enables the debugging of identified errors.



André É ; Sun J

Primary Research Area

  • Reliable Security Guarantees

Name of Conference

International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)





Page Range



Springer Nature

Open Access Type

  • Green


@inproceedings{Finkbeiner:Kohn:Schledjewski:2023, title = "Leveraging Static Analysis: An IDE for RTLola", author = "Finkbeiner, Bernd" AND "Kohn, Florian" AND "Schledjewski, Malte", editor = "André, Étienne" AND "Sun, Jun", year = 2023, month = 10, journal = "ATVA", pages = "251--262", publisher = "Springer Nature", issn = "1611-3349", doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-45332-8_13" }