Selecting a NewSQL database product is an important process. Like any other successful data management technology, the product selected today begins to define the legacy of the future. There are many different parameters that can be used to evaluate the NewSQL DBMS alternatives, and there is no single most-correct process for conducting such an evaluation. Not only are there many possible pertinent evaluation criteria, but there also is typically a degree of uncertainty about the requirements and characteristics of the intended application environment. This paper focuses on three NewSQL databases (viz., VoltDB, MemSQL and NuoDB), with emphasis on evaluating their performance. The evaluation is done based on Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark.
Name of Conference
Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020
CISPA Affiliation
Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020
Springer Cham
Open Access Type
Not Open Access
title = "Performance Benchmarking of NewSQL Databases with Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark",
author = "Astrova, Irina" AND "Koschel, Arne" AND "Wellermann, Nils" AND "Klostermeyer, Philip",
year = 2020,
month = 10,
journal = "Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020",
publisher = "Springer Cham",
issn = "2194-5357",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-63089-8"