
Almost Universally Optimal Distributed Laplacian Solvers via Low-Congestion Shortcuts

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conference contribution
posted on 2023-11-29, 18:23 authored by Ioannis Anagnostides, Christoph LenzenChristoph Lenzen, Bernhard Haeupler, Goran Zuzic, Themis Gouleakis
In this paper, we refine the (almost) existentially optimal distributed Laplacian solver recently developed by Forster, Goranci, Liu, Peng, Sun, and Ye (FOCS `21) into an (almost) universally optimal distributed Laplacian solver. Specifically, when the topology is known, we show that any Laplacian system on an n-node graph with shortcut quality SQ(G) can be solved within n^(o(1))SQ(G)log(1/ε) rounds, where ε is the required accuracy. This almost matches our lower bound which guarantees that any correct algorithm on G requires Ω˜(SQ(G)) rounds, even for a crude solution with ε≤1/2. Even in the unknown-topology case (i.e., standard CONGEST), the same bounds also hold in most networks of interest. Furthermore, conditional on conjectured improvements in state-of-the-art constructions of low-congestion shortcuts, the CONGEST results will match the known-topology ones. Moreover, following a recent line of work in distributed algorithms, we consider a hybrid communication model which enhances CONGEST with limited global power in the form of the node-capacitated clique (NCC) model. In this model, we show the existence of a Laplacian solver with round complexity n^(o(1))log(1/ε). The unifying thread of these results, and our main technical contribution, is the study of novel congested generalization of the standard part-wise aggregation problem. We develop near-optimal algorithms for this primitive in the Supported-CONGEST model, almost-optimal algorithms in (standard) CONGEST, as well as a very simple algorithm for bounded-treewidth graphs with slightly worse bounds. This primitive can be readily used to accelerate the FOCS`21 Laplacian solver. We believe this primitive will find further independent applications.


Preferred Citation

Ioannis Anagnostides, Christoph Lenzen, Bernhard Haeupler, Goran Zuzic and Themis Gouleakis. Almost Universally Optimal Distributed Laplacian Solvers via Low-Congestion Shortcuts. In: DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC). 2022.

Primary Research Area

  • Algorithmic Foundations and Cryptography

Name of Conference

DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC)

Legacy Posted Date


Open Access Type

  • Green


@inproceedings{cispa_all_3824, title = "Almost Universally Optimal Distributed Laplacian Solvers via Low-Congestion Shortcuts", author = "Anagnostides, Ioannis and Lenzen, Christoph and Haeupler, Bernhard and Zuzic, Goran and Gouleakis, Themis", booktitle="{DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC)}", year="2022", }

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