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On the minimum number of inversions to make a digraph k-(arc-)strong

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-04-03, 11:19 authored by Julien Duron, Frédéric Havet, Florian HörschFlorian Hörsch, Clément Rambaud
The inversion of a set X of vertices in a digraph D consists of reversing the direction of all arcs of D(X). We study sinv k (D) (resp. sinv k (D) which is the minimum number of inversions needed to transform D into a k-arc-strong (resp. k-strong) digraph and sinv k (N) = max {sinv k (D) | D is a 2k-edge-connected digraph of order n}. We show : (i) 1/2 log (n-k+1) o;; (ii) for any fixed positive integers k and t, deciding whether a given oriented graph G satisfies sinv k (G) < t (resp. sinv k (G) < t) is NP-complete ; (iii) if T is a tournament of order at least 2k + 1 , then sinv k (T) < sinv k (T) < 2k, and 1/2 log (2k+1) < sinv k (T) < sinv k (T) for some T; (iv) if T is a tournament of order at least 28k - 5 (resp. 14k - 3), then sinv k (T) < 1 (resp. sinv k (T) < 6); (v) for every e > 0, there exists C such that sinv k (T) < C for every tournament T on at least 2k + 1 + Ek vertices.


Primary Research Area

  • Algorithmic Foundations and Cryptography

Name of Conference

European Conference on Combinatorics Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB)


European Conference on Combinatorics Graph Theory and Applications



Page Range



Masaryk University Press

Open Access Type

  • Hybrid


@inproceedings{Duron:Havet:Hörsch:Rambaud:2023, title = "On the minimum number of inversions to make a digraph k-(arc-)strong", author = "Duron, Julien" AND "Havet, Frédéric" AND "Hörsch, Florian" AND "Rambaud, Clément", year = 2023, month = 8, journal = "European Conference on Combinatorics Graph Theory and Applications", number = "12", pages = "386--392", publisher = "Masaryk University Press", issn = "2788-3116", doi = "10.5817/cz.muni.eurocomb23-054" }