Since its introduction by Wagner (CRYPTO ‘02), the k-list algorithm has found significant utility in cryptanalysis. One important application thereof is in computing forgeries on several interactive signature schemes that implicitly rely on the hardness of the ROS problem formulated by Schnorr (ICICS ‘01). The current best attack strategy for these schemes relies the conjectured runtime of the k-list algorithm over Zp. The tightest known analysis of Wagner’s algorithm over Zp is due to Shallue (ANTS ‘08). However, it hides large polynomial factors and leaves a gap with respect to desirable concrete parameters for the attack. In this work, we develop a degraded version of the k-list algorithm which provably enforces the heuristic invariants in Wagner’s original. In the process, we devise and analyze a new list merge procedure that we dub the interval merge. We give a thorough analysis of the runtime and success probability of our degraded algorithm, and show that it beats the projected runtime of the analysis by Shallue for parameters relevant to the generalized ROS attack of Benhamouda et al. (EUROCRYPT ‘21). For a 256-bit prime p, and k = 8, our degraded k-list algorithm runs in time ≈ 2 70.4 , while Shallue’s analysis states that the Wagner’s original algorithm runs in time ≈ 2 98.3 .
Primary Research Area
Algorithmic Foundations and Cryptography
title = "A Concrete Analysis of Wagner's k-List Algorithm over ℤp.",
author = "Joux, Antoine" AND "Kippen, Hunter" AND "Loss, Julian",
year = 2024,
month = 2